Difference between Hosted and Non-Hosted AdSense account

Difference between Hosted and Non-Hosted Adsense Account

Adsense is the biggest ad network owned by the Google. It monetizes sites, apps and youtube. Adsense works with different platform like CPM, CPC, CPA, CPL. 
There are actually 2 types of AdSense account, a hosted AdSense account and a standard or non-hosted AdSense account. You should know the basic difference between hosted and non-hosted account.
Lets first know about Hosted Adsense account.

1. Hosted AdSense account:

Hosted adsense account is used for blogger and youtube users. The main advantage of this account is that its approval is very easy. Bloggers and Youtube users have advantage that adsense comes built in with both of these platform. 
As we know that blogger and YouTube is a product of Google. Blogger is a platform where you can start blogging related to anything according to your interest. Youtube is a platform where you can upload your videos and also watch and stream videos.
But when you have good traffic on your blog or YouTube video, Google lets you earn money from it. Adsense is a ad network that you can apply for and show ads on your blog or YouTube videos.
You can apply for adsense and once approved, placed ads on your blog and youtube videos and starts earning money.You can easily approve a hosted AdSense account from Google hosted sites like Blogger, You tube. But the real problem with this account is that you can not use it on sites which are not hosted by Google. It means that if your site is hosted on other hosting provider like bluehost, hostgator,etc. other than google. It means you can use hosted adsense account only on Google hosted sites like Youtube, Blogger.
It is very easy to get approval for hosted adsense account. You can earn money from youtube and youtube live events. But the biggest disadvantage is that you cannot use on websites that are not hosted by google.
There is another type of adsense account i.e. Non-Hosted Adsense account. Lets learn about this type of account.

2. Non-Hosted AdSense account:

You can use this account on any site. This means that if your blog or website is hosted anywhere other than google then you can use this account to show ads on your site. It’s very difficult to approve a non-hosted adsense account. But once your account is approved then it cannot be easily blocked. It is a fully approved adsense account. This means that you did not need to reapply for any other website. You can apply for a Non-Hosted AdSense account using adsense signup.
If we conclude, non-hosted adsense account lets you use adsense on google non-hosted sites, youtube, blogger, windows app, mobile, etc.
I think you have learned the basic difference between Hosted and Non-hosted Adsense account.
image credit: Google adsense
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