9 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants

Healthy air quality is our top priority nowadays. Many people use different artificial gadgets to purify indoor air. But do you know! God has gifted us amazing plants that not only fill our stomach but also clean our air by removing harmful gases present in our surroundings. I hope you are searching for some plants having air purifying properties. Great! In this article, I will be sharing with you best air purifying indoor plants that clean your air and remove toxic substances from the air naturally.

List of Air Purifying Indoor Plants

1. Snake Plant

It is one of the best air cleaner plant. Commonly, it is known by mother-in-law’s tongue name. This plant releases oxygen after consuming carbon dioxide even in the night. It absorbs harmful formaldehyde from the air. You can place this plant in your bedroom, washroom, drawing room or living room. It requires very less sunlight. Although it also grow well in artificial light.

2. Aloe vera

This is a medicinal plant. Along with its medicinal properties, it also purifies the air. This plant requires very less sunlight. It removes harmful chemical like benzene and formaldehyde from the air. You can place it indoors near kitchen or bedroom windows.

3. Spider Plant

It is a beautiful plant having attracting patterns on its leaves. It grows well in less light and absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, xylene, formaldehyde, and benzene. It does not require much care as compared to other plants. You can place in your drawing room, bedroom, staircase, offices, etc.

4. Rubber Plant

This plant purifies your surrounding air by removing harmful gases like formaldehyde. It looks beautiful having hard and shiny leaves. It requires very less sunlight. The best place to place such a plant is near wooden furniture. Since it absorbs organic compound formaldehyde released from the wooden furniture.

5. Tulsi Plant

This is a commonly used plant in India. The special thing about this plant is that it releases oxygen 20 hours a day. That’s sounds amazing! It absorbs sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases from the surrounding air. It can be placed near a window in the kitchen or bedroom. Hence this makes it one of the best air purifying indoor plants.

6. English Ivy

It is an excellent choice for purifying indoor air. It absorbs harmful chemicals from the air. It can be trimmed into different shapes. It requires less care compared to other plants. It requires less sunlight to grow. The best place to place English ivy plant is near to the windows.

7. Peace Lily

It is a wonderful choice in the best air purifying indoor plants. It also removes harmful gases like benzene and formaldehyde from the surrounding air. It requires less sunlight to grow. But extra care is required to use this plant. It is toxic to pets.

8. Dragon Tree

This is a beautiful plant that comes with different colour shades. Commonly found colours are purple and green. You can place this plant in offices, bedroom, etc.

9. Broad Lady Palm

It is one of the variety of palm. Its leaves are broad as compared to other varieties. It absorbs harmful gases like benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene. This plant requires moist soil. It grows upto six feet in height.

I hope this article on best air purifying indoor plants is helpful to you. Do let me know in the comments below which plants do you have from the above list.

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