Difference between HD and HDX Picture

Difference between HD and HDX Picture Quality
We watch videos everyday in many formats that are available like HD, HDX, AVI, MP4, etc. There are number of formats available for videos. Nowadays HD format is mostly used by the people due to its good quality. There is another new format which recently added to our life is HDX. Many of you have seen video in this format. But many people don’t know the basic difference between HD and HDX.
In this post I will clear your doubts about HD and HDX.
The basic difference between HD and HDX can be explained with the number of horizontal lines used in them. The number of horizontal lines in HD quality video is 480 or 576 while the number of horizontal lines in HDX is greater than 720.

Difference between HD and HDX Picture Quality

Facts about HD
Full form of HD is High Definition
The number of horizontal lines in HD quality is 480 or 576.
It is started in 1940’s by an American Broadcasting System.
It gives the feel of the unreal world.
Its sound quality is Best.
Its video standard is 480p, 720p, 1080p.
Facts about HDX
Full form of HDX is High Definition Extra.
The number of horizontal lines in HDX is always greater than 720.
It is introduced by Vudu in the recent years. The technology used is not that common and is mostly known only to the owners of Vudu, an online streaming platform.
It gives the feeling of the reality.
Its sound quality is better than HD.
1080p is the video standard.
Vudu is an online streaming platform which introduced HDX video quality. It is a new technology and not much information is known about it. There owners have kept secret about it. HDX gives an amazing and wonderful experience of watching videos. I hope this new information about HD and HDX Picture Quality will boost your knowledge. If you like this article then don’t forget to share this on social media.
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